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Sketch Syntax Highlighter Plugin

Sketch Syntax Highlighter plugin automatically highlight the syntax of any code snippet, right within Sketch.

Written by Admin · 27 sec read >
Sketch Syntax Highlighter

Sketch Syntax Highlighter plugin automatically highlight the syntax of any code snippet, right within Sketch.

Language Detection

The plugin automatically detects the language of the selected code snippet. The syntax highlighter supports more than 170 different languages, from Javascript and CSS, to PHP, Markdown, and more.

Live Preview

The plugin shows a live preview of your code snippet automatically highlighted. Choose any of the light and dark themes and see the result in real time.

70+ Built-in Themes

Highlight code using more than 70 popular themes. The plugin includes themes like Atom One, Monokai, Tomorrow Night, Solarized, Zenburn, and more.


  1. Download the plugin and unzip the package.
  2. Double click on sketch-syntax-highlighter.sketchplugin


Run the plugin from the Plugins > Syntax Highlighter.
Shortcut: Shift+Control+Alt/Option+H

Download Here →