Alvaro Montoro challenged himself to do 100 CSS Illustrations in 100 days. The results are stunning. His article has...
Scrollanim is a CSS3 and JavaScript library to create stunning scroll animations that work everywhere. Scrolanim has many CSS3...
Write CSS without worrying that overzealous, pre-existing styles will cause problems. MaintainableCSS is an approach to writing modular, scalable...
Hamburgers is a collection of tasty CSS-animated hamburger icons. Also included is the source as a Sass library. It’s...
Mantine is an MIT licensed open source react components and hooks library with a focus on usability, accessibility, and...
Heroicons is a set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects by...
Welcome to the Popular Developer and Design News Edition #8. Enjoy! Bootstrap 5 Alpha! Bootstrap 5’s very first alpha...
Below you will find the 6 best icon libraries for your next projects. Ionicons Premium designed icons for use...
Favorite JavaScript Single Line of Code Utilities If you are looking for a single line of code Javascript Utilities...
The State of JavaScript 2019 The 2019 State of JavaScript report by Sacha & Raphaël. Roughly 11 million developers use...
How a ‘NULL’ License Plate Landed One Hacker in Ticket Hell, git-revise, Stop Misusing Toggle Switches, Time to First...